Catalog UI

for the ATS WebServices Suite

Script Documentation

Parameter Legend
  • token - (string) The unique 20 character key issued to your account
  • pagecount - (integer) Sets the number of items to page. Defaults to 30 if left empty or undefined.
  • paging - (bool) If set to false, will load all items without any paging controls. Defaults to true if left empty or undefined.
  • filterscollapse - (integer) Sets collapse width for left filter div. Filters will display via button click if viewport is less than this. Defaults to 1100 if left empty or undefined.
  • filterwidth - (integer) Sets filter div column width. Defaults to 230 if left empty or undefined.
  • filterexpand - (integer) Sets the number of items in a filter group to show before the "See more" button appears. Defaults to 6 if left empty or undefined.
  • cssfile - (url) Adding an absolute url reference to a CSS file will allow global style overrides.
  • defaultview - (bool) If set to true, then the page will load in list view by default. If set to fault, empty, or undefined then it will be card view.

<div id="[[token]]" class="catalog ats" data-pagecount="[[pagecount]]" data-paging="[[paging]]" data-filterscollapse="[[filterscollapse]]"
data-listdefault="[[defaultview]]" data-filterwidth="[[filterwidth]]" data-filterexpand="[[filterexpand]]" data-cssfile="[[cssfile]]">
<script src=""></script>